Étiqueté : killed


India: Missing Dalit teen gang-raped, killed in Haryana

A 15-year-old Dalit girl who went missing last week in the Indian state of Haryana has been found dead near a canal in Jind district, nearly 100km west of the capital New Delhi. Doctors say she was gang-raped and her body was mutilated, bringing the memory of the 2012 brutal gang rape of a medical…


Syria’s Ghouta: ‘Simply about 100 eighty killed’ in two weeks

The number of people killed in the Damascus suburb of Eastern Ghouta has reached 179 after a little over two weeks of government and Russian bombardment, according to the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR). Government forces backed by Russian warplanes began a campaign to take the rebel-held district on December 29, relying mainly…


Pakistan-US ties examined but no longer killed by wide abet within the reduction of

Islamabad, Pakistan – Pakistani and US officials are continuing to meet and cooperate « at all levels », despite the suspension of $1.1bn in US aid and amid fiery statements by political leaders declaring the end of Islamabad’s alliance with Washington, diplomats told Al Jazeera. « There is no freeze [in relations], » said a senior Pakistani foreign ministry official,…


Palestinian teen first to be killed by Israel in 2018

Israeli forces have shot dead a Palestinian teen on the northern outskirts of the occupied West Bank town of Ramallah, according to Palestinian officials. The Palestinian health ministry identified the 17-year-old boy as Musab Firas al-Tamimi from the village of Deir Nitham, where Wednesday’s shooting took place.  « He died shortly after the occupation forces fired a bullet…


On the least eighty one journalists killed in 2017: file

At least 81 reporters were killed doing their jobs in 2017, as harassment and attacks on journalists have been on the rise, according to the International Federation of Journalists. Although the number of deaths are slightly down from last year’s total of 93, the IFJ cautioned that an unprecedented number of journalists were jailed in 2017,…


Funeral held for Palestinian killed in Gaza

Palestinians in the Gaza Strip have held a funeral for a 20-year-old killed by Israeli forces during a protest against US President Donald Trump’s decision to declare Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.  Jamal Mosleh was shot on Friday when the Israeli army opened fire at a rally on the Israel-Gaza border. He died of his wounds…


The day Benazir Bhutto became killed

Rawalpindi, Pakistan – It was a frosty winter in North Waziristan, close to Pakistan’s border with Afghanistan. Election fever was being felt even in this volatile region, dubbed terror central, which had become focus of the US-led war in Afghanistan. After spending a few days there, I was on the way back to Islamabad with…


MSF: Bigger than 6,seven-hundred Rohingya killed in Myanmar

At least 6,700 Rohingya were killed by Myanmar security forces in one month following a government-led crackdown in the country’s Rakhine state in late August, according to Doctors Without Borders (MSF). The figure, published on Thursday in an MSF report, is significantly higher than the numbers reported by Myanmar military officials relating to the same period. Sidney…


Yemen: Ex-President Ali Abdullah Saleh killed

Yemen’s ex-president Ali Abdullah Saleh has been killed by Houthi rebels near the capital, Sanaa, a development expected to have major implications for the war in the Arab world’s poorest country. The death was first announced on Monday by the Sanaa-based interior ministry, controlled by Saleh’s allies-turned-foes, the Houthi rebel movement. His killing was later confirmed…


Yemen’s Houthi: Ali Abdulla Saleh killed for ‘treason’

The leader of Yemen’s Houthi rebels has praised the death of Ali Abdullah Saleh, the country’s removed president, as a victory against a Saudi-led military coalition that Yemen has been battling. Saleh’s party has confirmed reports that he was killed in a roadside ambush on Monday outside the capital, Sanaa, after switching sides in the…