Étiqueté : Yemen


Germany stops hands exports to Yemen combatants

Germany will stop all arms exports to countries involved in the ongoing war in Yemen, a government spokesperson has announced. The decision, announced on Friday by a spokesperson for German Chancellor Angela Merkel, comes as political parties including Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and the Social Democratic Party (SPD) continue to hold talks about forming…


Saudi ‘intercepts’ Houthi missile reach Yemen border

Saudi Arabia says it has intercepted a ballistic missile fired towards the country by Yemen’s Houthi rebels. The Saudi statement came just hours after the Yemeni group claimed to have launched the attack. State-owned TV channel Al Ekhbariya reported on Friday that Saudi defence forces intercepted the missile over Najran, a region straddling the kingdom’s southern…


Norway suspends arms exports to UAE over battle in Yemen

Norway has suspended exports of weapons and ammunition to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) over concerns they could be used in the war in Yemen, the country’s foreign ministry has told Al Jazeera. The Scandinavian country said while there was no evidence Norwegian-made ammunition had been used in the devastating conflict, which is nearing three…


US: There might be now not a protection power contrivance to full battle in Yemen

The US has said that « there is no military solution to end the war in Yemen » and believes that the best way to end the crisis is through « aggressive diplomacy ». In a briefing on Thursday, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Tim Lenderking also said that US President Donald Trump’s administration believes « that there is room…


The Houthis’ endgame in Yemen

The Houthi rebels’ December 4 execution of Yemen’s former President Ali Abdullah Saleh sent a massive shock across Yemen and the Middle East. The dictator, who ruled for 33 years, had remained one of the most influential actors in Yemen even after a 2011 popular uprising forced him to step down. Saleh, having survived assassination…


Preference of cholera cases in Yemen hits 1000000

The number of cholera cases in Yemen has hit one million people according to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), a new milestone for what was already one of the fastest growing outbreaks of the deadly disease in modern history. After almost three years of war between a Saudi-led coalition and Houthi rebels,…


Saudi-led coalitions air raids ‘cancel 10 ladies folks’ in Yemen

At least eight women and two girls heading home from a wedding have been killed in an air attack in central-west Yemen, a health official has told Al Jazeera. Saba news agency, aligned with Yemen’s Houthi group, cited a security source as saying that the women’s vehicle was struck by three Saudi-led coalition air raids late…


Higher than 8 million ‘a step away’ from famine in Yemen

A senior UN official has called for parties involved in the war in Yemen to allow « sustained and unimpeded humanitarian access » for the millions of Yemenis facing famine and battling disease. « The lives of millions of people, including 8.4 million Yemenis who are a step away from famine, hinge on our ability to continue our operations…


Tillerson direct Saudis to be measured in Yemen motion

The Trump administration is asking Saudi Arabia to temper its actions with regard to Yemen, Qatar and Lebanon amid reports of new civilian deaths in Yemen. Speaking in Paris on Friday, Rex Tillerson, US secretary of state, called on Saudi Arabia to be « measured » in its military operations in Yemen. He declared strong American support for…


four stuff you may not know about Yemen

The situation in Yemen, a country crippled by war, took a dramatic turn on Monday with the killing of Ali Abdullah Saleh, the former president. Here are four things you may not know about the country and its politics. Where does the name « Houthi » come from? Houthis are named as such because they follow a…