Étiqueté : Yemen

Fight and survival in battle-torn Yemen 0

Fight and survival in battle-torn Yemen

In 2015, Yemeni President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi established his government in the southern city of Aden after being forced by Houthi rebels to flee the capital, Sanaa. As the threat of the rebels grew, southern forces closed ranks around Hadi to defend the coastal city and other areas in the south with the support of…


Yemen’s skies of fear: Three years of struggle in Yemen

The war in Yemen has entered its fourth year. The campaign by the Saudi-led coalition against the Houthi rebels has seen more than 16,633 air raids launched across the country since March 26, 2015. The attacks have devastated Yemen, one of the poorest countries in the Middle East. « My parents and all three sisters were killed by an air strike…


UAE-backed forces accused of arbitrary arrests, torture in Yemen

A Yemeni militia backed by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has been accused of kidnapping several young « northerners » in the southern port city of Aden, with relatives alleging they have been wrongly detained, tortured and denied access to a fair trial. In a series of videos and documents sent to Al Jazeera, the relatives said they had not heard from…


UAE-backed militia deports Yemenis from southern Yemen

Nearly two dozen Yemenis have said they were beaten, tortured and arbitrarily detained by militias affiliated with the United Arab Emirates in southern Yemen, then dumped hundreds of kilometres away in areas rife with violence and warned to never return. In a series of videos and documents sent to Al Jazeera, the civilians said they…


Dying from above: Each Saudi coalition air raid on Yemen

Every Saudi coalition air raid on Yemen Since March 2015, Saudi Arabia and a coalition of Arab states have been at war in Yemen. The coalition has conducted a large-scale aerial offensive aimed at driving back Houthi rebels who control the capital Sanaa and large parts of the north. Launching more than 16,633 air raids,…


Demonstrators inform MBS ‘hands off Yemen’ at rally against stride to

London, England – Protests have erupted in London, with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman beginning his visit to the UK with a meeting with Theresa May, British prime minister. Hundreds of demonstrators stood on Downing Street, holding signs with « Hands off Yemen » and « No more profits from bin Salman’s wars » outside May’s office. According to Downing…


Yemeni Nobel laureate: Saudi Arabia, UAE grasp Yemen

Yemeni Nobel Peace laureate Tawakkol Karman has called for an end to what she says is a military occupation of her country by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in an exclusive interview with the Reuters news agency. An outspoken rights advocate and activist with Yemen’s Islah party, Karman won the prize in…


Saudi-led coalition killed Sixty eight children in Yemen: UN

The Saudi-led coalition that is fighting Houthi rebels in Yemen is responsible for the deaths of scores of children since last summer, a United Nations report says. Al Jazeera obtained excerpts from the confidential report by the UN Office on Children and Armed Conflict, which was sent to the UN Security Council on January 19.…


What goes on in South Yemen?

The devastating war raging in Yemen for the past three years is on the verge of entering another, even deadlier, stage. On Sunday, forces loyal to the government of President Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi, backed by Saudi Arabia, exchanged fire in the southern Yemeni city of Aden with an armed group aligned with the Southern Transitional…