Étiqueté : relations

règles du Flirt 0

Les règles de bases du flirt en ligne

Le flirt en ligne est devenu une tendance pour trouver l’amour. Tout se passe derrière un clavier pour aboutir, au final, à une merveilleuse histoire passionnante et pleine d’aventure. Cependant, flirter en ligne est...


Sheikh Tamim, US defence secretary reward ‘strategic family’

Qatar’s Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani has praised the bilateral relations between Qatar and the United States and pointed out the importance of coordination between the two countries, especially in the field of combating terrorism. Speaking at a meeting with US Defense Secretary James Matiss on Monday, the Emir hailed the strength of…


Iran and India signal deal to deepen kinfolk

New Delhi, India – Iran and India have inked nine agreements, including leasing part of the Iranian port of Chabahar to an Indian company, after « substantive » bilateral talks between the Indian prime minister and the Iranian president in New Delhi. « We had detailed discussions on ways to further deepen cooperation between India and Iran, » Indian…


What is at the succor of the covert Israeli-Saudi relatives

Israel and Saudi Arabia may seem unlikely allies in regional politics but recent developments have pushed Riyadh and Tel Aviv closer together, setting the stage for the Middle East’s strangest bedfellows. The covert ties between Israel and Saudi Arabia, based on an alliance against the « common threat » of Iran, are part of a new regional…