Étiqueté : refugees


Syria: ‘Absentees law’ would per chance survey millions of refugees lose lands

As thousands of Syrians flee their homes in Eastern Ghouta to escape a fierce air and ground offensive led by pro-government forces, President Bashar al-Assad has introduced a new law which can potentially see the state confiscating the lands of millions of displaced people. Law Number 10, introduced earlier this week, calls on Syrians to…


100 faces of Rohingya refugees

Last August, the government of Myanmar launched a brutal crackdown on the Rohingya in Rakhine State. Some 700,000 Rohingya have fled Rakhine to Bangladesh since then. Most of them now live in overcrowded, squalid refugee camps on the border. Nearly every Rohingya refugee has a story that is nothing less than a nightmare. The violence…


What will the Trump generation bring for Palestinian refugees?

When the US administration announced in January that it will be withholding $65m out of a $125m aid package earmarked for UNRWA, millions of registered Palestinian refugees living in the occupied territories, Lebanon and Jordan were understandably alarmed. The refugees were not disturbed by the decision only because the budget cut was undoubtedly going to…


Lower-off date looms for Afghan refugees in Pakistan

Islamabad, Pakistan – A deadline on the validity of legal refugee status for many Afghan residents in Pakistan is due to expire, throwing into doubt the futures of more than a million refugees, many of whom have lived in the country for decades. The deadline is due to expire on Wednesday, with Pakistan’s federal cabinet…


Desperate Journeys: EU liberalism misplaced in battle against refugees

The European Union is often accused of being soft on immigration, allowing too many people to move around too freely. The Hungarian government is particularly scathing about this, while ignoring entirely the fact that hundreds of thousands of its citizens benefit from the very same policy. Hungary has been roundly criticised by the EU for…


US UNRWA motivate minimize to afflict Palestinian refugees in Syria

As US President Donald Trump pulls back funding for the United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees, UNRWA, Palestinians in Syria are facing « life-threatening » conditions, the agency’s spokesperson said. « Palestinians are among those worst affected by the [Syrian] conflict, » said UNRWA spokesperson Chris Gunness, explaining that 95 percent of 438,000 Palestinians in the war-torn country are…


Hungary retrial highlights ‘vilification of refugees’

Hungarian courts have extended the retrial of a Syrian refugee who was convicted of « an act of terror » after an altercation with police on the Hungary-Serbia border crossing in 2015. The refugee, identified as Ahmed H, was give a 10-year prison sentence in November 2016 after a conviction based on Hungary’s anti-terrorism law – which…


Palestinian refugees live in awe of Trump again cuts

Bethlehem, occupied West Bank – Palestinians living in refugee camps have expressed deep alarm over US threats to potentially cut funding for a relief agency tasked with providing aid and services to them. For nearly 70 years, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) has been the lifeline to the more than…


Pope Francis pleads for refugees at Christmas Eve mass

Pope Francis has strongly defended refugees at his Christmas Eve mass, urging the world not to ignore the plight of people who are « driven from their land » because of leaders willing to shed « innocent blood ». The leader of the world’s 1.2 billion Roman Catholics on Sunday led a solemn ceremony for about 10,000 people in…