Étiqueté : Qatar

How WikiLeaks cables paint UAE motive for Qatar blockade 0

How WikiLeaks cables paint UAE motive for Qatar blockade

As Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain and Egypt started their campaign to isolate Qatar on June 5, 2017, accusing it of aiding « terrorism » and being too close to Iran, the messaging used by the Arab quartet struck a familiar tone. The blockade against Qatar, now nearing the one-year mark, is often referred to as Saudi-led, but the…


Gulf disaster no longer on Arab summit agenda: Qatar

The ongoing Gulf crisis will not be on the agenda of the Arab League summit planned in Riyadh in mid-April, a spokesperson for the Qatari foreign ministry said. In statements to the Turkish state-run news agency Anadolu on Saturday, spokesperson Lolwah al-Khater said Qatar had received an official invitation from Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Abul-Gheit…


Al Jazeera unearths new particulars on 1996 coup try in opposition to Qatar

An exclusive Al Jazeera documentary has uncovered evidence of the involvement of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Bahrain in supporting a foiled coup attempt to overthrow the Qatari government in 1996.  Airing for the first time on Sunday, the first episode of the investigative documentary incorporates interviews with leaders of the coup…


Defence minister: Saudi, UAE supposed to invade Qatar

Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates had intentions to invade Qatar at the beginning of a diplomatic crisis that erupted in June, according to Qatar’s defence minister. In an interview with the Washington Post on Friday, Khalid bin Mohammad Al Attiyah said his Gulf neighbours have « tried everything » to destabilise the country, but their intentions to invade were…


UN entreated to implement findings on Qatar blockade

Qatar’s Human Rights Committee has called on the UN to « immediately » implement the findings of a report which concluded that a blockade imposed by neighbouring countries against Doha was « without legal basis ». The National Committee for Human Rights (NHRC) called on the United Nations Commission on Human Rights (OHCHR) to implement the findings of the…


Turkey plans to deploy air and naval forces to Qatar

Turkey plans to deploy air and naval forces to Qatar in addition to ground troops that are already stationed in the country, a Turkish diplomat has said.  Fikret Ozer, Turkish ambassador to Qatar, however, declined to state a timeline for the move.  « According to the agreement signed between Qatar and Turkey in 2014, all ground, air,…


Arab quartet accuses UN commission of Qatar bias

Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt have strongly condemned the results of a report by the United Nations Commission on Human Rights (OHCHR) on how severing diplomatic and trade ties with Qatar affected the country. In a joint statement issued on Tuesday, the blockading quartet said that the findings of OHCHR, whose…


Euro-med urges GCC international locations to amass Qatar blockade

Geneva, Switzerland – Supplies of essential medical equipment and medicines, including essential antivenom doses, are not reaching Qatar due to the Saudi-led blockade, a human  rights organisation has said. Most of the international pharmaceutical supply companies trading with Qatar come from the United Arab Emirates (UAE), one of the countries involved in the blockade, which has…


Cleric Salman al-Awda ‘held over Qatar tweet’

A prominent Muslim scholar has been detained by Saudi Arabia for the past four months without charge, Human Rights Watch (HRW) said. Saudi authorities detained Salman al-Awda on September 7 and later imposed travel bans on members of Awda’s family, the US-based rights group said on Sunday. A family member told HRW that Awda was…