Étiqueté : Rohingya


And not using a formal colleges or jobs, young Rohingya left in lurch

Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh – It is a hot, chaotic morning at Kutupalong, the world’s largest refugee camp located on the Bangladesh-Myanmar border. Rohingya women, men and children, uprooted from Myanmar, form long queues outside the offices of various aid organisations and wait to receive clothes, food and medicines. There is a rush to collect stacks…


‘I produce now not own any phrases to dispute them’: A Rohingya fixer

For fixers, news stories are often personal. They are locals, sometimes journalists themselves, who serve as guides for foreign correspondents. Equipped with intimate local knowledge, they find stories, secure interviews, and translate for correspondents who may have little experience in the country they are reporting from. Long after those correspondents have left, fixers remain in…


100 faces of Rohingya refugees

Last August, the government of Myanmar launched a brutal crackdown on the Rohingya in Rakhine State. Some 700,000 Rohingya have fled Rakhine to Bangladesh since then. Most of them now live in overcrowded, squalid refugee camps on the border. Nearly every Rohingya refugee has a story that is nothing less than a nightmare. The violence…


Tricked, trafficked, traded: Contained in the Rohingya commerce

They witnessed their families being murdered and their homes burned to the ground in what the UN calls  a « textbook example of ethnic cleansing ».  With only the clothes they were wearing, hundreds of thousands of Rohingya Muslims fled their villages in Myanmar in search of refuge in Bangladesh. But hidden behind closed doors in the…


UN: Myanmar wants to be investigated for crimes in opposition to Rohingya

The UN human rights chief has called for all atrocities committed against Myanmar’s Rohingya to be referred to the International Criminal Court (ICC) for prosecution. Zeid Ra’ad al-Hussein, who has previously described Myanmar’s campaign against the Rohingya as a « textbook case of ethnic cleansing », also urged the country to allow monitors into restricted areas to…


At Diphtheria hospital, medics war to treat Rohingya

Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh – As she sits by her son Mohammad Farooq’s bedside at a clinic near Bangladesh’s Kutupalong refugee camp, Noor Begum is feeling far more optimistic than she was 24 hours earlier. « He had a fever and he was vomiting. He could not eat because of the pain, » said Noor, who fled her…


Reuters: Journalists held for probing Rohingya massacre

Two Reuters news agency journalists held for two months by Myanmar authorities were arrested over their investigation of a massacre of 10 Rohingya men, the news agency said in a report that detailed the killings. It is the first time Reuters has publicly confirmed what Myanmar nationals Wa Lone, 31, and Kyaw Soe Oo, 27,…

Bangladesh: Trafficking of girls rife in Rohingya camps 0

Bangladesh: Trafficking of girls rife in Rohingya camps

Noyona Katun, a Rohingya refugee from Myanmar, said her daughter Yasmin was 13 years old when she was snatched by a man in the Kutupalong Refugee Camp in southern Bangladesh and smuggled to India. That was three years ago. Noyona and Yasmin fled a military crackdown in Myanmar in 2012. Noyona said the trafficker was…


Bill Richardson quits Myanmar panel on Rohingya

A veteran US diplomat has resigned from an international panel set up by Myanmar to advise on the Rohingya crisis, saying it was conducting a « whitewash ». Bill Richardson, a former member of Bill Clinton administration, accused Myanmar’s de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi of lacking « moral leadership ». « The main reason I am resigning is…

‘Past comprehension’: Myanmar admits killing Rohingya 0

‘Past comprehension’: Myanmar admits killing Rohingya

Amnesty International has called for an independent investigation as the Myanmar army admitted for the first time that its soldiers murdered 10 Rohingya Muslims. The remains of the victims in question were found buried in a mass grave outside Inn Din, a village in Maungdaw, Rakhine State, in December. Soldiers and villagers were involved in the…