Étiqueté : control


March for Our Lives: College students notion mass rally for gun regulate

Washington, DC – Thousands of students, teachers and their supporters will converge on Washington, DC and other cities worldwide on Saturday to march for their lives, demanding US legislators address recent school shootings and strengthen gun control laws. The March for Our Lives rally is led by survivors of last month’s shooting at Florida’s Marjory Stoneman…


US protesters rally out of doorways White House for gun adjust

Dozens of young people and their families have taken their demands for stricter gun control laws to the White House, less than a week after a school shooting killed 17 people in the US state of Florida. About 50 protesters held signs that read, « Enough is Enough » and « Change gun laws or change Congress », at…


Saleh forces assure Houthi claims over adjust of Sanaa

Forces loyal to Yemen’s former President Ali Abdullah Saleh have denied claims by Houthi rebels who say they have gained control of most of the country’s capital, Sanaa, according to an official in Saleh’s Republican Guard. Iranian-backed Houthi fighters say they had regained control of three military bases, the diplomatic district and other neighbourhoods around…


Paperwork present how ISIL ran areas under its regulate

Documents from ISIL-held areas in Iraq have shed light on the armed group’s tough rules of internal governance and the fate awaiting fighters who violated its code of conducts and laws. Obtained by Al Jazeera, the files also provide further evidence about the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant’s structure and level of organisation. The…