Étiqueté : women’


A case of ethical neglect: How journalists failed Yazidi women folk

Questions on journalism ethics and trauma have shadowed journalists’ coverage of wars and conflict for a long time. Where do we draw the line between ethical and unethical journalism practices, when interviewing people suffering from trauma, let alone interviewing women taken hostage, raped and tortured? While preparing for a course I’m teaching at City, University…


Women unwanted: ‘This is no longer a nation for women folks’

Montenegro suffers from the strong traditional priority of continuing the family line by conceiving a boy, a feat seen as a near obligation for young couples. Difficult to eradicate, the tradition has pressured couples into undergoing selective abortion, choosing to continue a pregnancy only if the unborn child is male. The practice, commonly known as…


Morocco adopts original legislation to protect ladies from violence

Rabat, Morocco – A new law in Morocco criminalising violence towards women has divided opinion, with some observers applauding the legislation as progress while critics claim some women would still be left at risk. Until recently, women were vulnerable to various types of violence in private and public spheres, including rape, sexual harassment and domestic…


Sri Lanka vote: Recent legislation sees more ladies standing

Voters in Sri Lanka are choosing representatives in more than 300 local polls, with more female candidates than ever standing for election. A change in the law requires women to fill a quarter of all seats elected in Saturday’s vote – more than 12 times the current number. Rosy Senanayake, a diplomat and parliamentarian, is…


Tunisia calls for formal UAE apology over females row

Tunisia is demanding a public apology from the UAE after Emirates Airlines denied Tunisian women from boarding its flights to the Gulf country. On Friday, the UAE-owned carrier stopped accepting Dubai-bound female passengers from Tunisia. UAE officials later cited security reasons for the move, saying that a « terrorist threat » was behind the decision. The move caused…


Saudi-led coalitions air raids ‘cancel 10 ladies folks’ in Yemen

At least eight women and two girls heading home from a wedding have been killed in an air attack in central-west Yemen, a health official has told Al Jazeera. Saba news agency, aligned with Yemen’s Houthi group, cited a security source as saying that the women’s vehicle was struck by three Saudi-led coalition air raids late…