Étiqueté : What’s

Diagnosis: What’s subsequent for Iran? 0

Diagnosis: What’s subsequent for Iran?

Tehran, Iran – Iran’s foreign minister has been touring world capitals to try and save the 2015 Iran nuclear deal after the US’ withdrawal. Pledges of continued support from China and Russia were no surprise. Even the European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini’s support was expected; she’s been an outspoken supporter of the agreement…

Working out the Iran deal: What, why and what’s coming next 0

Working out the Iran deal: What, why and what’s coming next

US President Donald Trump has withdrawn from the Iran nuclear deal and is set to renew sanctions on Iran. Trump said on Tuesday that the landmark pact, signed under his predecessor, Barack Obama, was « defective at its core » and would lead to a nuclear arms race in the Middle East. Here is what we know:…


The UK’s Windrush technology: What’s the scandal about?

UK Prime Minister Theresa May has apologised to 12 Caribbean nations for the treatment of people from the so-called « Windrush generation ».  On Tuesday, May told leaders and diplomats attending a summit of Commonwealth heads of government in London that she was « genuinely sorry for any anxiety that has been caused ».  Her statement came amid a…


President-elect George Weah: What’s next for Liberia?

A peaceful transition of power in Africa’s oldest republic is cause for optimism, according to analysts, but major challenges lie ahead for Liberia’s president-elect George Weah. A former international football star, Weah tapped into a yearning for change and widespread discontent to win this week’s presidential run-off in a landslide. Boosting the economy will be especially important…


Zimbabwe: What’s going down?

After ruling Zimbabwe for 37 years, Robert Mugabe has submitted his resignation as president in a letter ro parliament. The news marking the end of an era sparked celebrations in the capital, Harare. Soldiers on November 15 took control of the headquarters of the state broadcaster ZBC and blocked access to government offices, but the army…