Étiqueté : western

Morocco cuts diplomatic ties with Iran over Western Sahara feud 0

Morocco cuts diplomatic ties with Iran over Western Sahara feud

Morocco has announced it will cut diplomatic ties with Iran over Tehran’s support for the Polisario Front, a Western Saharan independence movement. Morocco’s foreign ministry said on Tuesday it will close its embassy in Tehran and expel the Iranian ambassador in Rabat over Iran’s support for Polisario. Rabat accuses Tehran and Lebanese proxy Hezbollah of…


Real travels (in case you are wisely off and Western)

« Frankly, I personally was tired of explaining the difference between a travel warning and a travel alert, » complained the seemingly exasperated US State Department official given the task of explaining the State Department’s new ratings system. The system released recently ranks countries from 1 to 4 based on their safety for American travellers. The new…


Spot of Romanian ladies folks trafficked to western Europe

In 2016, roughly 800 Romanians were trafficked in Western Europe. The majority were women, and most of them were forced into prostitution and suffered abuse. Today on the Debrief – a woman who was trafficked, a woman who saved her and a trafficker who is trying to redeem himself. Our reporter and host is Laurentiu…