Étiqueté : weapons


Iran’s Rouhani: We won’t await approval to fabricate weapons

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani has declared that Tehran will not wait for any permission to produce the weapons it needs to defend the country. In a speech marking Iran’s Army Day on Wednesday, Rouhani said a strong military is an effective deterrence against foreign threats.  « If there is any weapon we need, we will develop…


US and allies strike Syria ‘chemical weapons sites’

US President Donald Trump has ordered air attacks in Syria « on targets associated with the chemical weapons capabilities », in collaboration with the UK and France. 
The attacks early on Saturday come in response to a suspected chemical weapons attack in the former rebel stronghold of Douma last weekend. « I ordered the United States armed forces…


Russia vetoes US decision on Syria chemical weapons probe

Rival draft resolutions by both the US and Russia to set up a new expert body to probe chemical weapons attacks in Syria have failed to pass at the United Nations Security Council.  The votes on Tuesday came amid an escalating war of words between Washington and Moscow and a looming threat of Western military…


MBS: Saudis will pursue nuclear weapons if Iran does

Saudi Arabia’s crown prince has announced his country’s readiness to develop nuclear weapons in the event that Iran heads in that direction. The kingdom has expressed alarm at what it views as creeping Iranian influence in the region and has stepped up its efforts to contain what it considers Iran’s expansion through proxy conflicts and direct…


UK spent $1.3m on security for world’s greatest weapons sexy

The UK spent more than $1m on providing security for the world’s largest weapons fair, Al Jazeera can reveal, in an operation campaigners say undermined the rights of anti-war activists. A Freedom of Information Request submitted by Al Jazeera to London’s Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) has revealed the cost of policing Defence and Security Equipment…


North Korea vows to freeze nuclear weapons tests

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has agreed to meet with South Korea’s president next month and impose a moratorium on nuclear and missile tests if his country holds talks with the United States, a senior South Korean official said on Tuesday after returning from the North. The agreements, which follow a flurry of cooperative steps…


Vladimir Putin unveils unique nuclear weapons programs

Russian President Vladimir Putin has revealed new nuclear weapons he said could hit any target around the globe with little chance of interception. Putin warned during his annual state of the nation speech on Thursday that an attack on Russia or any of its allies would elicit an immediate response from Moscow. Video footage of…


Russia condemns US mosey to promote weapons to Ukraine

Russian officials said the US decision to supply weapons to Ukraine was dangerous and will encourage Kiev to use force in eastern Ukraine. The US state department said on Friday the United States will provide Ukraine with « enhanced defensive capabilities » as the country battles Russian-backed separatists in the east. Russia’s RIA state news agency quoted…


Nuclear weapons: In dialog with ICAN

The 2017 Nobel Peace Prize will be awarded to the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) for the campaign’s « ground-breaking efforts » to secure a prohibition on such weapons. In July, ICAN was at the forefront of international efforts to establish a global agreement against the development, and use, of nuclear weapons. Their work led…