Étiqueté : wants


When a toy soldier president wants a parade

Apparently, America’s toy soldier president wants to showcase his nation’s killer toys. Miffed that France’s president gets to play grand marshal on Bastille Day, Donald Trump has reportedly ordered his generals to plan a similar national ego-validating cavalcade so he can show the world who the real commander-in-chief is.  Of course, Trump’s signature, chest-thumping bravado…


Trump needs battle, Moon needs peace

South Korean President Moon Jae-in held a very polished press conference on January 10. He confidently laid out his domestic and foreign policy priorities for some 30 minutes. That address was followed by an hour-long exchange with the flock of journalists in attendance. Yet the ease with which the event unfolded belied the difficulty Moon had in addressing questions…

No matter energetic Bali volcano, govt needs tourists 0

No matter energetic Bali volcano, govt needs tourists

It has been a lean tourist season on the Indonesian island of Bali due to an erupting volcano. Mount Agung’s eruption, which began in September, forced the island’s airport to close for two days last month, and visitor arrivals have dropped by more than 70 percent. Facing $1bn in lost tourist revenue, the Indonesian government…