Étiqueté : verdict


Pakistan: Blasphemy and the Mashal Khan verdict

Mardan, Pakistan –  Last April, Mashal Khan was lynched by dozens of fellow university students. The mob was spurred by rumours that the journalism student had somehow insulted Islam. Khan was stripped naked, beaten, shot and thrown out of the second floor window of his Abdul Wali Khan University dormitory in Khyber-Pakhtinkhwa province. He was 23…


Ratko Mladic and the choice that changes nothing

The UN-established International Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, better known by its acronym ICTY, sentenced former General Ratko Mladic to life in jail. Mladic, the former army chief of Bosnian Serbs, has since 1992 symbolised the worst that human beings are capable of. As a Bosnian Muslim (Bosniak) who was forced to flee Sarajevo from…