Étiqueté : Trump’s


5 key trends since Trump’s Jerusalem pass

Violence, protests and arrests have followed US President Donald Trump’s decision to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Trump made the announcement on December 6 and said the US would begin the process of moving its embassy to the city from Tel Aviv.  The decision broke with decades of US policy on Jerusalem.  The international…


Al Jazeera readers reply to Trump’s Jerusalem transfer

US President Donald Trump recognised Jerusalem as the capital of Israel on Wednesday and began steps to move the American embassy from Tel Aviv to the Holy City saying the move is « long overdue ».  US recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital has caused protests and condemnation from world leaders from Tehran to Berlin.   Al Jazeera…


Palestinians in Jerusalem: No shock by Trump’s thought

Occupied East Jerusalem – No shock, no surprise and no complacency. That seemed to be the mood on the streets of East Jerusalem on Wednesday afternoon, hours ahead of President Donald Trump’s expected announcement to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, and unveil a plan to move the US embassy to the city. Read why the status of…


Palestinian days of rage against Trump’s Jerusalem knowing

Protests have broken out in the Gaza Strip in response to US President Donald Trump’s expected decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, as Palestinian leaders called for three days of rage against the move. Hundreds of Palestinians took to the streets in Gaza city on Wednesday, carrying banners denouncing Trump, hours ahead of his…


A Muslim doctor caring for Trump’s America

Three years ago, Dr Ayaz Virji moved his family to Dawson, Minnesota, a rural farming community only about 32km away from the state’s border with South Dakota. As far as the people of Dawson know, the Virjis are the first Muslim family to ever live there. Dr Virji felt welcome in his new home, where…