Étiqueté : Trump-Russia

What’s next for Mueller’s Trump-Russia probe? 0

What’s next for Mueller’s Trump-Russia probe?

It’s a rare day that we don’t hear or read criticism from the US President Donald Trump about the Special Counsel investigating potential collusion between his campaign and Russian officials. If you read that and the words « witch-hunt » didn’t jump to mind, you probably aren’t following the president on Twitter. He often criticises his own…

US intelligence committee probe finds no Trump-Russia collusion 0

US intelligence committee probe finds no Trump-Russia collusion

A probe by the US House of Representatives Intelligence Committee has found no evidence of collusion between President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russian officials during the 2016 presidential election. The committee’s investigation into Russia’s suspected interference in the election – the findings of which were published in a redacted report on Friday – also said there…


Trump-Russia probe: What you include to know

Former US National Security Adviser Michael Flynn became the fourth known person connected to the Trump campaign to be charged in an investigation over whether Russia meddled in the 2016 presidential election.  The probe, headed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, began in May to investigate any links or coordination between the Russian government and individuals…