Étiqueté : troops


Trump: Saudis want to pay if they wish US troops to cease in Syria

US President Donald Trump has said that Saudi Arabia might have to pay if it wants continuing US presence in Syria. « We’ve almost completed that task [of defeating ISIL] and we’ll be making a determination very quickly, in coordination with others in the area, as to what we’ll do, » said Trump on Tuesday during a White…


Stress rises as Turkey sends troops to YPG stronghold

The US has urged Turkey to use restraint in its operation against the Syrian Kurdish group YPG in the enclave of Afrin. The US considers the YPG its closest ally in Syria, viewing it as the most effective ground force in the fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) group. The statement comes just hours…


Two Palestinian children killed by Israeli troops

Two Palestinian teenagers were shot and killed by Israeli soldiers on Thursday as violence continues in the occupied territories. A Palestinian teen from the Gaza Strip was killed east of the Burij refugee camp after a live round was fired into his chest, the Wafa news agency quoted medical sources as saying. Three other Palestinians…