Étiqueté : threat

The fixation with the ‘Iranian nuclear threat’ 0

The fixation with the ‘Iranian nuclear threat’

A sustained effort by the administration of US President Donald Trump and its allies at home and the Middle East to cancel, or at least renegotiate, the Iran nuclear deal appears to have succeeded in bringing one major European country, France, to its side. French President Emmanuel Macron said during a visit to the United States…

Is Iran truly a nuclear threat? 0

Is Iran truly a nuclear threat?

« Iran is moving ‘very quickly’ towards production of a nuclear bomb and could have a weapon within two years, » the United Press International reported. The quote was published in a 1984 article headlined « ‘Ayatollah’ bomb in production for Iran » but it might as well have been published today. For more than three decades Western politicians and…


Putin ordered airplane shot down throughout Olympics threat

Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the shooting down of a Turkish passenger jet after a bomb threat was made just before the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics opening ceremony. Putin opened up about the order in a new documentary titled Putin. In it, the president said he received a phone call from security officers as the ceremony was…


Arrests in Turkey as US embassy shuts down due to the ‘threat’

Turkish police have arrested 12 people in the capital, Ankara, in an investigation of an armed group, state media reported. The arrests came hours after the US embassy in Ankara said it would remain closed for the day due to a « security threat ».  The 12 suspects were among 20 people for whom detention warrants were…


Netanyahu: Iran is the supreme threat to the area

Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli prime minister, has labelled Iran « the greatest threat to the world » in his address to the Munich Security Conference in Germany. Comparing Iran to Nazi Germany, Netanyahu said on Sunday that Iran advocates « master faith » just like Nazi Germany used to advocate « master race ». « The commander of the Revolutionary Guard, [Mohammad] Ali…


Anas Sarwar: Day to day Islamophobia a right possibility

A Scottish politician has called for the government and public to accept that « everyday Islamophobia » is a direct threat to Muslims, after claiming he was unsuccessful in his bid to lead the Scottish Labour Party because of « insidious » racism. Member of Scottish Parliament (MSP) Anas Sarwar, who was born in Glasgow to Pakistani parents, secured…


Austria’s Muslims fright being forged as chance to security

Islam was mentioned a total of 21 times in the Austrian coalition’s new governmental programme, titled « Together. For our Austria ». In terms of domestic security, the programme focused on « political Islam » and « Islamist extremism ». Yet, despite a dramatic increase in the number of right-wing attacks in recent years in Austria, there was no mention of right-wing…


The GCC’s palms bustle and the Iranian ‘threat’

For the six Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) members, 2017 is ending with much insecurity and uncertainty. Tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran continue to mount as does friction between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Turkey. Yemen’s humanitarian disaster is getting worse, as Houthi fighters continue to fire missiles into Saudi Arabia and Riyadh responds…


Trump possibility to in the good deal of US relief: Deterrent or sizzling air?

Despite exerting unparalleled pressure on UN member states, the US could not stave off a General Assembly vote on Thursday, condemning Donald Trump’s decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. The UNGA passed the draft resolution – which declared the Jerusalem decision to be « null and void » – by an overwhelming margin, with 128 states voting…