Étiqueté : support

Turkey slams Macron over Erdogan journal quilt make stronger 0

Turkey slams Macron over Erdogan journal quilt make stronger

Turkey’s Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu has slammed French President Emmanuel Macron over his support for a French magazine’s cover calling President Recep Tayyip Erdogan a « dictator ». The Weekly French Magazine Le Point splashed a photo of the Turkish president on the cover of its May 24 edition with words that read: « The dictator. How far…


Is Austria’s far-correct FPO shedding increase amid Nazi scandals?

An attache in Israel wearing a pro-Nazi t-shirt. Councillors arrested for WhatsApp messages glorifying Nazi Germany. A candidate forced to quit after news emerged he was heading a student fraternity that distributed a songbook with genocidal anti-Semitic lyrics. These are just a few of the scandals that the Austrian government’s junior coalition partner, the far-right…


Turkey to US: Cease YPG pork up or face ‘confrontation’

A Turkish official said anyone supporting the YPG militia will become « a target », a warning likely to rile the United States as its forces work alongside the Kurdish armed group on the ground in northern Syria. Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdag’s comments on Thursday came after Turkey threatened to attack the town of Manbij as part of its cross-border…


Israel bans entry for 20 groups over BDS enhance

Bethlehem, occupied West Bank – Israel has published a list of 20 international groups whose members will be barred from entering the country due to their support for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement. The so-called blacklist, which was released on Sunday by Israel’s strategic affairs ministry, includes organisations based in a number of…


Israel to honest up fund for terrible states to operate strengthen

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is planning to establish a $50m fund to support development in poorer countries and get the country diplomatic backing, according to Israeli media reports. If the report by Israel’s Channel 2 and other outlets is confirmed, the move comes just a week after the UN General Assembly voted overwhelmingly to…


Rabbis petition in opposition to Israel in enhance of Rohingya

Amid a brutal campaign against Muslim-majority Rohingya in Myanmar, Rabbi Dov Peretz Elkins did something he had never done before, signing a petition against the Israeli government to end arms supplies to the Myanmar military. « Rabbis have a moral obligation to make their voice heard in such moral situations, » Elkins, who holds Israeli and American…