Étiqueté : strategy


US ‘invested in a failed intention’ in Afghanistan

United States President Donald Trump’s decision to reject talks with the Taliban will only trigger more attacks and will only aggravate the war, a former Taliban member has said. Following a string of deadly assaults in the capital, Kabul, this month, Trump on Monday announced Washington was not going to hold talks with the Taliban…


Comic management: Trump’s approach astray

The least popular first-year US president on record saw fit to begin his « America First » National Security Strategy (NSS) speech by trashing his predecessors. It was a « Trump first » moment, albeit in the name of « the people ».  President Donald Trump boasted  (pdf) of a « new and very different course » for the United States, when only 3 in 10 Americans reckon he’s on the right…


Sisi criticised over ‘brute force’ strategy in Sinai

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi gave his security forces a three-month deadline to restore « security and stability » to the country’s northern Sinai province, but experts say his strategy has already caused more damage to the region and its residents. After the latest string of attacks, Sisi on Wednesday reiterated his pledge to restore security in a…