Étiqueté : solution


The two-command reply is tranquil the utterly recreation in town

US President Donald Trump’s announcement on December 6 last year of his decision to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel was a real shock not only for Palestinians but also for the international community as a whole. For many people, this decision was the final nail in the coffin for the two-state solution. But even before Trump’s controversial…


Tzachi Hanegbi: Two-narrate resolution is now not tiresome

Jerusalem – An Israeli minister has said US President Donald Trump’s decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital does not signal the end of the two-state solution, with Israel willing to grant Palestinians their own independent state but with limited sovereignty. Tzachi Hanegbi, minister of regional cooperation, said Trump’s controversial decision on December 6 should not hinder…


US: There might be now not a protection power contrivance to full battle in Yemen

The US has said that « there is no military solution to end the war in Yemen » and believes that the best way to end the crisis is through « aggressive diplomacy ». In a briefing on Thursday, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Tim Lenderking also said that US President Donald Trump’s administration believes « that there is room…