Étiqueté : shutdown


Striking Kenya’s media shutdown in context

On Tuesday, December 30, the Kenyan government took the unprecedented step of shutting down three of the largest television stations in the country. At KTN, the first independent station in Kenya, the signal was merely switched off. But at Citizen Television and NTV, officials of the Communications Authority of Kenya (CAK) allegedly went to one…


Kenya court docket suspends government’s media shutdown

Kenya’s High Court has suspended the shutdown of three independent television stations, which were blocked earlier this week after they had planned to broadcast a contentious, symbolic « swearing in » ceremony for opposition leader Raila Odinga. The country’s High Court ordered a 14-day suspension of the government’s shutdown – which affected stations NTV, Citizen and KTN…


US Senate reaches deal to avert govt shutdown

The US Senate is poised to end the government shutdown, having come to an agreement on termporary funding in exchange for immigration-policy overhaul in the coming month. The spending bill will fund the US government until February 8, according to reports from Washington, DC. Democrats and Republicans could not agree on a continuing resolution (CR) to…


US authorities shutdown: All the pieces you would possibly per chance presumably contain got to snatch

The United States government is on the brink of a shutdown. Republicans in the House of Representatives have passed a stopgap measure that would fund the US government for four weeks, known as a « continuing resolution », or CR. President Donald Trump would support the measure. They now need the backing of some Democrats for the bill to…