Étiqueté : sacred

‘Bury me in Beit Daras’: My valid of return is sacred 0

‘Bury me in Beit Daras’: My valid of return is sacred

This is the story of four Palestinian peasants who have been dead and buried for many years, but whose legacy continues to define the collective aspirations of a whole nation. It is also the story of a village that was erased from existence 70 years ago. The peasants are my grandparents, and the village of…

Native Hawaiians face up to ‘bombing’ of their sacred lands 0

Native Hawaiians face up to ‘bombing’ of their sacred lands

Kealakekua, Hawaii – Earl DeLeon works on his small family plot where he grows traditional Hawaiian crops like taro and breadfruit on the Big Island of Hawaii. Pausing to rest, DeLeon recalls how he and six other Kanaka Maoli (Native Hawaiians) swam ashore and occupied the isolated island of Kahoolawe in 1977, which was then…