Étiqueté : Russian

Putin vs the Russian Net – Zero:1 0

Putin vs the Russian Net – Zero:1

Last week, President Vladimir Putin declared war on the Russian internet. The Kremlin had been slowly and quietly encroaching on freedom of the internet in Russia for a while now, but this time it went all out: State institutions were mobilised to block access to one of the most popular Russian messenger apps, Telegram. The…


The more than just a few winner of the Russian presidential flee

In the presidential election due next month, Vladimir Putin will be running against a whole bunch of candidates, who have neither a chance, nor – it seems – the desire to defeat him. But outside the virtual reality of Kremlin propaganda, this campaign will be remembered as a standoff between the incumbent leader of Russia…


Does the ‘Serbian Honour’ pressure dangle a Russian hyperlink?

On Friday, the Bosnian news website Zurnal published a story on the alleged existence of a paramilitary force called Srbski ponos, or Serbian Honour. The force, the website claimed, was being trained in a Russian centre in the Serbian city of Nis. Milorad Dodik, leader of a Bosnian Serb nationalist party and president of Republika Srpska -…


How Putin grew to alter into a local for Russian oligarchs

On December 21, Russian President Vladimir Putin met with Russian oligarchs at the Kremlin. Тhe men in attendance had a combined wealth of $213bn, almost as much as the Russian federal budget. So it was no wonder Putin wanted to meet them and assure their loyalty, especially before the presidential elections next year (even if they will be just a…


The loss of life of the Russian some distance correct

On November 4, a few hundred people gathered for the annual ultranationalist « Russian march » in Moscow. With chants like « Glory to Russia » and « Freedom for political prisoners », the demonstrators tried to march through the Lyublino neighbourhood of Moscow, before the police dispersed the crowd, arresting dozens. But this year’s march was a far cry from…