Étiqueté : Running

Tale want of Lebanese females running for place of work 0

Tale want of Lebanese females running for place of work

Beirut, Lebanon – In a country where women make up only three percent of parliament, a record number of 86 female candidates will be competing for Lebanon’s 128 legislative seats in elections on May 6. In fact, out of the total 976 candidates who originally registered to run, 111 were female candidates – a staggering…


Court upholds ban on Navalny working for president

Russia’s top court has upheld a decision barring opposition leader Alexei Navalny from running for president in March. The 41-year-old lawyer announced his candidacy last week, but Russia’s Central Election Commission later ruled that he could not take part in the elecions due to an earlier conviction for fraud. Navalny responded by filing an appeal, which was,…


Running out of sand: in numbers

Sand and gravel are the most-extracted materials in the world. The UN believes that sand and gravel, or aggregates, account for up to 85 percent of all mining activity around the world, measured in weight. « It’s almost become like air, the air we breathe, we don’t think too much about it, but you can’t live…