Étiqueté : rights

Saudi Arabia ‘arrests ladies folk’s rights activists’ 0

Saudi Arabia ‘arrests ladies folk’s rights activists’

Saudi Arabia has arrested a number of female rights activists in the kingdom over the past days, rights group Human Rights Watch (HRW) and the Gulf Centre for Human Rights said. In a statement issued on Saturday, US-based HWR said Saudi authorities detained seven women’s rights defenders since May 15. The women have long been advocating…

Indigenous Brazilians rally to quiz land rights protection 0

Indigenous Brazilians rally to quiz land rights protection

Sao Paulo, Brazil – Thousands of indigenous Brazilians from across the country have rallied in the capital, Brasilia, to call authorities to protect their land rights. Organisers of the annual « Free Land Camp » in Brasilia said more than 3,000 people reached the city this week to denounce what advocacy groups say is a continuing and unprecedented rollback…


Thousands rally in Pakistan’s Lahore for Pashtun rights

Islamabad, Pakistan – Thousands of people have attended a rally in Pakistan’s eastern city of Lahore demanding basic rights for ethnic Pashtun citizens and others. Manzoor Pashteen, the leader of the Pashtun Tahafuz Movement (PTM), addressed protesters on Sunday, calling for an end to enforced disappearances, extrajudicial killings and other alleged rights abuses committed by Pakistan’s military…


Australia courts ASEAN amid human rights controversies

As the first-ever ASEAN-Australia Special Summit came to a close on Sunday, Malcolm Turnbull, Australia’s prime minister, triumphantly announced that participants had committed to building « a more secure and prosperous region ». During the two-day summit in Sydney, Turnbull and nine of his Southeast Asian counterparts had agreed to work together to enhance security cooperation and deepen…


Activists push US to advocate for human rights in Egypt

Dozens of members of the Egyptian diaspora in the United States are gathering in Washington, DC, this week to develop strategies to push members of Congress to support freedom and human rights in Egypt. The two-day training, dubbed Egypt Advocacy Day, will bring about 60 delegates from 30 different states to the US capital on…


World leaders forsaking human rights: Amnesty

World leaders are undermining human rights for millions of people with regressive policies and hate-filled rhetoric, but their actions have ignited global protest movements in response, a rights group said. US President Donald Trump, Russian leader Vladimir Putin, and China’s President Xi Jinping were among a number of politicians who rolled out regressive policies in…


The deafening silence on China’s human rights abuses

Where is China headed in 2018? President Xi Jinping promised « world peace » for the new year – but his 2017 track record suggests otherwise. Remember the singular stain of the July death of 2010 Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo, surrounded by state security? Many condemned China’s conduct, but such interventions are fewer and further between these days. Increasingly,…


UK attorneys: Uncover away Saudi from UN human rights council

British lawyers have called for Saudi Arabia to be removed from the United Nations Human Rights Council, as the kingdom detains political and free speech activists without charge. In a report released on Wednesday in London, Rodney Dixon QC and Lord Kenneth Donald John Macdonald, said more than 60 individuals were detained in September last year, « many of…


Narendra Modi: A untrue crusader for females’s rights

These days, a popular joke making the rounds in India is that the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) loves Muslim women, but not Muslim men.  The joke makes fun of BJP’s attempts to portray its rightwing Prime Minister Narendra Modi as a crusader against religious orthodoxy, seeking to liberate Muslim women from the clutches of patriarchy. The BJP started crafting this…


Why Polish females are rallying for reproductive rights

Krakow, Poland – On Wednesday, women across Poland plan to protest against attempts to further restrict access to abortion. Polish Women’s Strike, the organiser, is a coalition of women’s rights groups, pro-democracy initiatives and individuals mobilising through social media, and expects thousands to join in at least 50 cities.  In what has become something of a…