Étiqueté : Qatar’s

Art work meets activism in Qatar’s Ai Weiwei expose 0

Art work meets activism in Qatar’s Ai Weiwei expose

An exhibition on the global refugee crisis by renowned Chinese artist and activist Ai Weiwei has arrived in the Middle East for the first time. More than 2,000 items fill the room at the Fire Station art gallery in Qatar’s capital, Doha. Tidy rows of clothes and shoes might resemble a fashion collection, but at Laundromat they…


Qatari royal: Gulf crisis to safe Qatar’s wealth

A member of the Qatari royal family, who was allegedly held against his will in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), has accused Saudi Arabia and the UAE of orchestrating a months-long Gulf crisis in order to seize Qatar’s wealth, and threatened to commit suicide.  Sheikh Abdullah bin Ali Al Thani has previously been portrayed by Saudi…