Étiqueté : Putin


Would perhaps maybe presumably also faces down Putin – nonetheless he has the upper hand

Britain is not inclined to admit we are susceptible to state capture by foreign powers – but we are. On March 11, the Sunday Times newspaper published a front-page story on how the Conservative Party had accepted millions from Kremlin-linked political donors – over 3 million British pounds ($4.2m) from suspect Russian figures channelled to the Conservatives…


Russian elections: Who’s running in opposition to Vladimir Putin?

On February 18, the Central Electoral Commission in Russia announced the final list of approved candidates for the March 18 presidential elections. Beside President Vladimir Putin, seven other candidates were allowed to run the race. Two of them – Vladimir Zhirinovsky and Grigory Yavlinsky – have run against Putin in the past. Opposition leader Alexei…


Aina Gamzatova: The Muslim girl intelligent Putin

Moscow, Russia – Aina Gamzatova, a 46-year-old woman from Dagestan, has made it official. She wants to run against Russian President Vladimir Putin in the March 2018 election. Hundreds of her supporters gathered around her to celebrate in Makhachkala, Dagestan’s capital, on Saturday, two days after she confirmed her bid in a Facebook post. Gamzatova heads…


Alexei Navalny launches pronounce to downside Vladimir Putin

Supporters of opposition leader Alexei Navalny have gathered in about 20 cities across Russia to formally get his name on the ballot for next year’s presidential elections. Navalny has been banned from running in the vote in March due to a criminal conviction, but he still intends to announce his candidacy against President Vladimir Putin.…


Is Vladimir Putin drained?

There is suddenly too much entropy in the Russian political universe. At least some people are acting as if there are no adults in the house. Political campaigns seem to start without the Kremlin’s blessing, state TV channels contradict each other in their coverage of important stories, and infighting between Kremlin factions gets into the…