Étiqueté : probe

Match-fixers fired, name for criminal probe after Al Jazeera movie 0

Match-fixers fired, name for criminal probe after Al Jazeera movie

Sri Lanka’s sports minister has urged the country’s cricket board to hand over the inquiry into Al Jazeera’s pitch-fixing allegations to law enforcement authorities.  The move follows the Sri Lanka board’s decision to suspend a player and assistant manager exposed in Al Jazeera’s investigation broadcast on Sunday. The board reported the two men to the…

What’s next for Mueller’s Trump-Russia probe? 0

What’s next for Mueller’s Trump-Russia probe?

It’s a rare day that we don’t hear or read criticism from the US President Donald Trump about the Special Counsel investigating potential collusion between his campaign and Russian officials. If you read that and the words « witch-hunt » didn’t jump to mind, you probably aren’t following the president on Twitter. He often criticises his own…


Chemical weapons inspectors attain Douma to probe gasoline assault

Inspectors from the global chemical weapons watchdog have finally reached a formerly rebel-held town in Syria where a suspected gas attack took place two weeks ago. Saturday’s visit to Douma came a week after the fact-finding mission of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons’ (OPCW) first arrived in Syria, and amid growing questions about…


Russia vetoes US decision on Syria chemical weapons probe

Rival draft resolutions by both the US and Russia to set up a new expert body to probe chemical weapons attacks in Syria have failed to pass at the United Nations Security Council.  The votes on Tuesday came amid an escalating war of words between Washington and Moscow and a looming threat of Western military…


ICC prosecutor seeks to beginning Rohingya deportation probe

The chief prosecutor for the International Criminal Court (ICC) has asked it to rule on whether it has jurisdiction over the deportations of Rohingya people from Myanmar to Bangladesh. A ruling affirming jurisdiction could pave the way for Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda to investigate the deportation of many thousands of Rohingya, a possible crime against humanity.…


Trump donor in Ukraine criminal probe

The Prosecutor General of Ukraine has launched an investigation into claims surrounding an alleged multi-million dollar lobbying contract that names one of US President Donald Trump’s most influential fundraisers, Elliott Broidy. The 12-page document, which appears to have been signed by Broidy, outlines his role as providing « political advocacy » on behalf of a now sanctioned Russian bank,…


Oxfam: Seek ‘threatened’ in sexual misconduct probe

Three men who worked for the Oxfam Haiti team and are accused of sexual misconduct in the country physically threatened a witness during an internal investigation into the allegations, UK-based charity Oxfam said.  The aid organisation released the findings of its 2011 internal inquiry into allegations of sexual misconduct of its staff in Haiti on…


Israel’s Shin Bet to face first-ever torture probe

For the first time in its history, an interrogator from Israel’s secret police agency, the Shin Bet, is to face a criminal investigation over allegations of torture. It will be the first probe of the Shin Bet since Israel’s supreme court issued a landmark ruling nearly two decades ago prohibiting, except in extraordinary circumstances, the…


Trump-Russia probe: What you include to know

Former US National Security Adviser Michael Flynn became the fourth known person connected to the Trump campaign to be charged in an investigation over whether Russia meddled in the 2016 presidential election.  The probe, headed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, began in May to investigate any links or coordination between the Russian government and individuals…