Étiqueté : presidential

Colombia’s presidential runoff: What to anticipate 0

Colombia’s presidential runoff: What to anticipate

If you were once an M-19 Marxist rebel and a fan of Venezuela’s deceased populist leader Hugo Chavez, it is difficult to convince moderate Colombians that you would not be a threat to Colombia’s political and economic stability, if you were elected president. It is precisely that fear factor, aggressively promoted by right-wing opponents, that…

Colombia presidential election: What to wait for 0

Colombia presidential election: What to wait for

One would think that Colombians would be excited about the prospect of going to the polls to elect their first post-war president in nearly half a century. The problem is that while the 2016 peace accord between the government and FARC rebels may have won outgoing President Juan Manuel Santos the Nobel Peace Prize, the…

Burundi backs fresh structure extending presidential timeframe limits 0

Burundi backs fresh structure extending presidential timeframe limits

Voters in Burundi have backed constitutional amendments bolstering President Pierre Nkurunziza’s powers and ushering in changes that could potentially allow him to stay in office until 2034. Pierre-Claver Ndayicariye, election commission chief, said 73 percent of voters had voted « Yes » in the referendum to change the constitution, including whether the current five-year-presidential terms will be increased…

Yemen: Saudi-led assault hits Houthi-held presidential palace 0

Yemen: Saudi-led assault hits Houthi-held presidential palace

Air raids have targeted the presidential office in Yemen’s rebel-held capital Sanaa, killing at least six people and wounding 30 others, according to medical sources. Witnesses said fighter jets bombed Sanaa several times at midday on Monday, with rebel-controlled Al-Masirah television blaming the Saudi-led coalition for the raid. Residents said they heard two explosions hit…


Egypt’s 2018 presidential ‘election’: What you would possibly per chance well bear to understand

Experts have already dubbed Egypt’s presidential election this month as a « sham », and predict that President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi will undoubtedly win a second presidential term after eliminating any real political opposition. Widespread condemnation over the decline of the economy and Sisi’s internal policies led many to call for a boycott of this year’s election, which is the…


The more than just a few winner of the Russian presidential flee

In the presidential election due next month, Vladimir Putin will be running against a whole bunch of candidates, who have neither a chance, nor – it seems – the desire to defeat him. But outside the virtual reality of Kremlin propaganda, this campaign will be remembered as a standoff between the incumbent leader of Russia…


How does the US see Egypt’s presidential bustle?

Washington’s stance on the Egyptian presidential elections has been weak, particularly in light of Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi’s internal policies that have silenced opposition and public dissent, experts say. Although the relationship between the two countries has become markedly warmer since US President Donald Trump took office in 2016, analysts note that the US…


Egypt curbs opponents of presidential election

Egypt’s prosecutor-general has ordered an official investigation into a number of opposition politicians who are boycotting next month’s presidential election, as President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi looks set to extend his term. Nabil Sadeq, Egypt’s prosecutor general, said in a statement on Monday that 13 individuals may be summoned to the Giza office for « incitement against the state »…


Cyprus election: Anastasiades ‘leads’ presidential scramble

Nicosia, Cyprus – Nicos Anastasiades is heading for a second five-year term as president of the Republic of Cyprus, initial exit polls have projected. A forecast by state broadcaster CyBC after polls closed on Sunday put support for the incumbent conservative at an average of 56.5 percent, within a range of 54.5 percent to 59.5 percent.…


Zeman beats Drahos to take Czech presidential runoff

Prague – Anti-immigrant and populist incumbent Czech President Milos Zeman has won a second five-year term in a runoff election, beating his centre-left pro-EU rival Jiri Drahos in a close race. The outspoken pro-Russia, pro-China Zeman was declared the winner with 51.36 percent of the vote on Saturday. Opposition candidate Drahos, who garnered 48.44 percent…