Étiqueté : Pompeo


Mike Pompeo is the anti-Tillerson

When President Donald Trump fired Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on March 13 via an unceremonious tweet, the mood at the Department of State was probably half-escatic, half-petrified. Escatic because the Foreign Service and career staffers in the building were now free from the chains of a man who was generally castigated for eviscerating America’s diplomatic power…


Trump sacks Rex Tillerson, replaced by CIA’s Mike Pompeo

US President Donald Trump has sacked Rex Tillerson as secretary of state, citing differences, and replaced him with Mike Pompeo, CIA director. The move by Trump is the biggest shake-up of his cabinet since taking office. « Mike Pompeo, director of the CIA, will become our new secretary of state. He will do a fantastic job, »…


Trump to replace Tillerson with Mike Pompeo: Reports

US President Donald Trump has addressed US news media reports on the imminent departure of Rex Tillerson as secretary of state without clearly confirming or denying them. The rumours, which had been present for months, grew louder when the New York Times newspaper reported, citing senior administration officials, on Thursday that Trump intended to replace…