Étiqueté : politics

Why females are ‘barely scratching flooring’ of Lebanese politics 0

Why females are ‘barely scratching flooring’ of Lebanese politics

Beirut, Lebanon – Nadine Itani, a 38-year-old aviation executive, says she knew early on that she wanted to help bring change in her country. In 2013, she founded the first women’s aviation forum in Lebanon to encourage female participation in the « very male-dominated world » of air travel. Years before, she had already turned down a…

Lebanon elections 2018: Politics as current 0

Lebanon elections 2018: Politics as current

Lebanon is heading for its first parliamentary elections in nine years. On May 6, more than 3.6 million registered voters in the country will be eligible to choose among 583 candidates competing for 128 parliamentary seats. The candidates are spread across 77 lists in 15 districts, which have 27 subdistricts. For Lebanese nationals living abroad,…


The runt one rape cases that shook Indian politics

For days public discontent in India was simmering over the mishandling of two child rape cases. Over the weekend, anger boiled over and thousands took to the streets in several cities across the country to protest perceived inaction by the Indian authorities. Celebrities, writers, academicians, rights activists, lawyers and other professionals rubbed shoulders with the…


How the Zionists won the physique but lost the soul of US politics

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the Israeli Fifth Column in the United States, is staging its annual policy conference from Sunday the 4th through Tuesday the 6th of March 2018 in Washington, DC, the very nodal core of this careworn empire. « AIPAC’s mission, » as they put it resoundingly, « is to strengthen, protect and promote the…


An immigrant’s life as a bargaining chip in US politics

On the one-year anniversary of his presidency, Donald Trump tweeted, « If there is no Wall, there is no DACA, » pitting his longtime promise to build a fence along the southern US border against the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy, introduced by former President Barack Obama in 2012. For Trump, his base, and a…


The assassination that orphaned Pakistani politics

« Where were you when Benazir was killed? » is one of the best ways to start a conversation in Pakistan. Most remember the moment when news of former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto’s death spread and parts of the country fell into turmoil. Ten years later, Bhutto has not been forgotten. Her name and face frequently…