Étiqueté : policy’


Indonesia criminal code overhaul a step backwards for drug policy

As more countries move away from drug prohibition, Indonesia is about to step up its efforts to defend it. Proposed revisions to the country’s criminal code promote harsh penalties for the use and possession of narcotics – including society’s ultimate sanction, the death penalty – instead of a health-oriented approach. Rather than enabling a safer,…


John Bolton and Washington’s Iran policy industry

With the appointment of John Bolton as the next US national security adviser, a new hawkish voice advocating greater confrontation with US rivals, such as North Korea and Iran, has entered the centre of foreign policy discussions in the Trump administration. Mr Bolton has long been one of Washington’s staunchest critics of the Islamic Republic, not…


Trump must net known ‘lethal’ adjustments to US drone coverage: NGOs

A group of nongovernmental organisations called on the Trump administration to clarify its policy on drone use, saying they are concerned about reported changes to US rules and a lack of transparency in the decision-making process. « We are deeply concerned that the reported new policy, combined with this administration’s reported dramatic increase in lethal operations…


Jerusalem’s Holy Sepulchre shut in drawl against Israeli policy

In a rare move, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem has been indefinitely shut in protest against what church leaders say is « discriminatory » Israeli policy aimed at weakening Christian presence in the holy city.  In a statement released on Sunday, church leaders said Israel was violating the status quo at the site, which…


What Trump did not disclose about international policy

As former speaker of the House of Representatives Tip O’Neill once said, « all politics is local ». United States President Donald Trump adhered to this motto when he delivered his first State of the Union address on Tuesday, reserving approximately 80 percent of his 90-minute-long speech for domestic policy issues. He focused specifically on the Tax…


Europe stumbles forward in search info from migration policy

Athens, Greece – Greek Migration Minister Yannis Mouzalas has lashed out at six European Union countries for « sabotaging » the bloc’s refugee relocation scheme and undermining efforts to craft a common asylum policy. An original European Commission proposal seeking to redistribute 160,000 asylum seekers throughout the EU from overcrowded camps in Greece and Italy fell significantly short after…


Rights teams traipse Greece to dwell ‘containment protection’

With winter weather nearing, 20 humanitarian groups have warned authorities in Greece that « lives will be lost » unless asylum seekers stranded in crammed and unsafe island camps are allowed to relocate to the mainland. In a joint statement on Wednesday, the Greek and international organisations said thousands of people faced the bleak prospect of being forced to endure…