Étiqueté : Palestine

The architects late the ethnic cleansing of Palestine 0

The architects late the ethnic cleansing of Palestine

David Ben-Gurion Leader of the Yishuv (Jewish residents in Palestine before 1948) “We must do everything to ensure they (Palestinian refugees) never do return.” Diary, July 18, 1948. Ben-Gurion, who was born and grew up in Poland, was the mastermind of Plan Dalet. He developed the military plans and defined which Palestinian population points to…


If no longer now, when must accrued Europe recognise Palestine?

Once again, European states are said to be on their way to recognise Palestine. Some reports talk about a big wave, others are more modest. Much seems to depend on whether France will take the lead, but President Emmanuel Macron said last month that France won’t recognise Palestine at this point, which probably means that…


Modi visits Ramallah in landmark Palestine discuss over with

Narendra Modi has arrived in the occupied West Bank city of Ramallah on a landmark visit – the first ever by an Indian prime minister – that Palestinian leaders have hailed as « historic ». After holding talks with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, Prime Minister Modi said India hoped to see an independent Palestinian state through dialogue.…


Mahmoud Abbas urges EU to ‘speedily recognise’ Palestine

Mahmoud Abbas, the president of the Palestinian Authority, has urged European Union (EU) countries to « swiftly recognise » the state of Palestine with East Jerusalem as its capital. His comments from Brussels on Monday came on the same day as Mike Pence, the US vice president, told Israel’s parliament that the US would move its Israeli embassy from…


Has Latin The United States abandoned Palestine?

« God bless Guatemala. » Last Christmas eve, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu thanked Guatemala’s President Jimmy Morales with these words for his decision to move his country’s embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Morales’ decision came as a surprise to many around the world. But Guatemala, the first country that showed interest in relocating…


How mainstream media will get Palestine harmful

The photo of 16-year-old Fawzi al-Junaidi blindfolded, bruised and surrounded by a dozen Israeli soldiers went viral on social media. It was touted as the emblem of Israeli oppression. But for Western mainstream media, it was difficult to accommodate this photo, amid all the talk about « anger », « rage », « violence », and the regularly recycled imagery of…


Israel leisurely ‘Christian exodus’ from Palestine

Beit Jala, Palestine – The Israeli occupation of Palestine is the main factor behind the exodus of Palestinian Christians from the region, according to a new study. The research carried out by the Dar al-Kalima University in the occupied-West Bank town of Beit Jala, concluded that only small percentage of Christians had left Palestine because of concerns…


World’s most exposed attach to inch gas is in Palestine

Aida Refugee Camp in the occupied West Bank is the most exposed place to tear gas on the planet, according to a ground-breaking new study. The report by the Human Rights Centre of the University of California at Berkeley finds that Israel’s security forces are guilty of carrying out « widespread », « frequent » and « indiscriminate » use of…


Hezbollah’s Hassan Nasrallah vows to point of interest on Palestine

The leader of Lebanon’s Hezbollah group has said his group and its allies in the region would renew their focus on the Palestinian cause after what he called their victories elsewhere in the region. Hassan Nasrallah called on Hezbollah’s allies on Monday to put in place a united strategy « in the field » to confront Israel.…