Étiqueté : Moscow’s


Volokolamsk: A ‘mini-Chernobyl’ in Moscow’s suburbs

Volokolamsk, Russia – As the 11:32 suburban train from Moscow pulled up at the station in the town of Volokolamsk on Sunday, dozens of police awaited its passengers. Officers approached those getting off and demanded their IDs. A number of journalists, along with a few other people, were led out of the station and told to…


How Crimean Muslims defy Moscow’s rigidity

Bakhchisaray, Ukraine – Mumine Saliyeva cannot forget how masked, gun-toting pro-Russian security officers pounded on her door last October. They arrived to search her apartment and arrest her husband, Seiran Saliyev. « Every day, I check a hundred times whether the door is locked, I get up at night to check, check again before my morning prayer, »…