Étiqueté : Lives


Nigeria migrants who escaped Libya restart their lives

Lagos, Nigeria – Life has been challenging for Grace Joshua since she returned to Lagos from Libya, a dangerous transit point many Africans pass through to get to Europe. Joshua, 32, is one of the 6,000 Nigerian migrants the International Organization for Migration (IOM) repatriated to Nigeria on a chartered flight from Libya after reports of endemic abuse…


Why menstrual stigma continues to issue lives in Nepal

Kathmandu, Nepal – In Nepal’s far western Achham, a remote arid region where farming villages dot the foothills of the Himalayas, government and aid workers have walked from door-to-door for nearly a decade to advocate against chauupadi, an ancient Hindu ritual where women are banished from their homes during menstruation. Their ultimate goal is to…


Documents impart US monitoring of Murky Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter protests have been monitored by the US government and have been seen as a potential threat, according to recently released documents from the FBI and the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The documents, which include internal emails and field reports, were circulated among law enforcement agencies in 2016. They were obtained…