Étiqueté : Liberia


President-elect George Weah: What’s next for Liberia?

A peaceful transition of power in Africa’s oldest republic is cause for optimism, according to analysts, but major challenges lie ahead for Liberia’s president-elect George Weah. A former international football star, Weah tapped into a yearning for change and widespread discontent to win this week’s presidential run-off in a landslide. Boosting the economy will be especially important…


Boakai concedes defeat to George Weah in Liberia vote

Liberia’s Vice President Joseph Boakai has conceded defeat in the country’s presidential election and congratulated his opponent George Weah. In a speech to his supporters on Friday, the Unity Party candidate said he had spoken to Weah on the phone and offered him « a hand of goodwill, friendship and gratitute » as he accepted the provisional election…


After a ‘failed’ vote, what’s occurring in Liberia?

Monrovia, Liberia – Liberia is in the thick of uncertainty after its Supreme Court ruled in November that a presidential run-off vote cannot proceed until a complaint of fraud and irregularities in the first round has been investigated. Hearings began at the Supreme Court on Friday and a ruling is expected Thursday. The vote, which had a…