Étiqueté : leaders

North and South Korean leaders meet all over again at border 0

North and South Korean leaders meet all over again at border

The leaders of North and South Korea have met again at a border village to discuss a now cancelled US-North Korean summit, the Associated Press reported. US President Donald Trump announced the cancellation of a landmark summit between North Korea and the US on Thursday, citing « tremendous anger and open hostility » by the North. He…


Thousands march in Barcelona for jailed Catalan leaders

Hundreds of thousands of protesters in Barcelona have taken part in a large demonstration against the imprisonment of Catalan leaders. According to local media reports, 900 buses arrived in the city on Sunday morning carrying the protesters from all over Catalonia and cities in southern France. The demonstrators were protesting the jailing of nine Catalan…


MBS meets AIPAC, anti-BDS leaders for the interval of US search recommendation from

Mohammed bin Salman, the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, known as MBS, has met leaders from a number of right-wing Jewish organisations during his tour of the United States. The groups, which have donated millions to illegal settlement building and the fight against BDS (the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) movement, include officials from AIPAC, Stand Up for…


UAE-linked George Nader organised Arab leaders to alter GCC

A Lebanese-American businessman with close ties the United Arab Emirates crown prince organised a meeting of Arab leaders on a yacht in the Red Sea three years ago and proposed to start an « elite group » that would supersede the Gulf Cooperation Council, according to a news report. George Nader’s name has surfaced in recent weeks…


Q&A: Tunisia’s teach leaders jabber to back up rigidity

Tunis, Tunisia – Large protests broke out across Tunisia this month over a government decision to impose strict economic and tax reforms that increased the price of basic goods. The anti-austerity protests come as Tunisians mark the seventh anniversary of the fall of longtime leader Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, who was forced from power…