Étiqueté : Korean


North Korean defector: ‘I wish I will be able to return for a day’

Seoul, South Korea – Around 31,000 North Koreans have defected to South Korea since the end of the Korean War in 1953. Almost 71 percent of those defectors are female, most in their 20s and 30s. Only a few take the most dangerous route through the Korean Demilitarized Zone that a North Korean soldier took late last year. Most of…


Hopes fading for reunion of Korean households

Seoul, South Korea – Despite the inter-Korean talks last month that resulted in the North’s participation in the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, uncertainty still surrounds proposed family reunions due to take place over the Lunar New Year. Officials from both sides of the border held talks on January 9 and South Korea had hoped a reunion…


The worth of success for young South Korean athletes

Seoul, South Korea – The breakout star of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics has so far been American half-pipe snowboarder Chloe Kim, whose jaw-dropping performance won her gold last week. During that run, the 17-year-old Kim got a lot more cheers from the audience than most US athletes because she is ethnically Korean, having been born in…