Étiqueté : Korea

Donald Trump: US-North Korea summit abet on for June 12 0

Donald Trump: US-North Korea summit abet on for June 12

US President Donald Trump signaled preparations for a June 12 summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un were going ahead, despite having called off the meeting last week. A statement from North Korea’s state news agency KCNA on Sunday also said Kim expressed « his fixed will » on the possibility of meeting Trump as previously planned.…

Trump has slapped Beijing in the face by cancelling N Korea talks 0

Trump has slapped Beijing in the face by cancelling N Korea talks

The Chinese government is disappointed by US President Donald Trump’s decision to pull out of his planned summit with North Korea leader Kim Jong-un – but privately the leadership will not be surprised. After all, Beijing is caught between the world’s two most unpredictable leaders. Just two days ago, while on a brief visit to…

Trump-Kim summit: North Korea threatens to stroll away 0

Trump-Kim summit: North Korea threatens to stroll away

North Korea has threatened to walk away from the proposed summit with US President Donald Trump, if Washington continues to do what it described as « unlawful and outrageous acts » that could damage Pyongyang’s « goodwill ». North Korean Vice Foreign Minister Choe Son-hui said on Thursday that her country « will neither beg the US for dialogue, nor…

Trump ought to composed no longer earn heed to Bolton on North Korea 0

Trump ought to composed no longer earn heed to Bolton on North Korea

There were worrying signs this week that the United States, not North Korea, is putting at risk the likelihood of denuclearisation on the Korean peninsula. Pyongyang has demonstrated for the first time in years a willingness to sit down for serious negotiations. Missing this chance would be a grave mistake. As Chinese Foreign Minister Wang…

Top US and S Korean diplomats seize emergency call over N Korea 0

Top US and S Korean diplomats seize emergency call over N Korea

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and his South Korean counterpart Kang Kyung-wha held emergency talks on Wednesday, following North Korea’s cancellation of ministerial talks with Seoul and threats to pull out of the Trump-Kim Jong-un summit scheduled to be held in Singapore on June 12. A US State Department source confirmed to Al Jazeera…

Trump: Three US prisoners returning home from N Korea 0

Trump: Three US prisoners returning home from N Korea

US President Donald Trump says Secretary of Sate Mike Pompeo, who has been visiting Pyongyang, is bringing back the three US prisoners from North Korea. He is returning from meetings with top in the North Korean capital to prepare a US-North Korea nuclear summit. « I am pleased to inform you that Secretary of State Mike…

Donald Trump: Time and draw draw for North Korea meeting 0

Donald Trump: Time and draw draw for North Korea meeting

Donald Trump says the time and place for his much-anticipated meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has been decided, and will shortly be made public. Earlier this week, the US president suggested that the demilitarised zone, or DMZ, between North and South Korea would be an excellent venue for the planned summit, but that…