Étiqueté : independence

Malaysian opposition wins for the first time since independence 0

Malaysian opposition wins for the first time since independence

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – How do you topple a government that has been ruling a country uninterrupted for more than six decades? Well if the latest events in Malaysia are anything to go by, here’s how it’s done. Bring in one of the architects of that historic party, let’s call him Mahathir Mohamad.It does not…


Speeding steady into a 2nd referendum would doom Scottish independence

In the aftermath of Britain’s vote to leave the EU in June 2016, Scotland seemed to be on the brink of independence.  Scots rejected Brexit by an overwhelming 24-point margin (62 percent to 38 percent), prompting Scottish National Party (SNP) leader Nicola Sturgeon – the head of Scotland’s semi-autonomous government in Edinburgh – to start preparing…


Cracking down on independence movements is a snide idea

When Catalonia declared independence from Spain in October, it was the first time an elected government in Western Europe had declared independence from an unwilling host state since Ireland’s 1919 declaration of independence from Great Britain. Civil war did not follow Catalonia’s declaration as it did Ireland’s. Deposed Catalan President Carles Puigdemont says he backed…