Étiqueté : happening


Sinai: What’s going down and why

Four soldiers have been killed in the Sinai Peninsula as part of an ongoing military operation against ISIL fighters in the region, according to the Egyptian military on Monday. Here is what’s happening – and why: What is happening Rebellion: Security operations against rebels in Sinai have been ongoing since 2000, but the rebellion picked up the moment after the military…


Jap Ghouta: What goes on and why

Nearly 400,000 civilians are trapped as Syria’s government and its allies pound the besieged Eastern Ghouta district, a suburb of Damascus, with air raids and artillery. Ground forces have been deployed in an effort to remove the rebels who have controlled the enclave for five years.  Here is what is happening – and why: What is…


After a ‘failed’ vote, what’s occurring in Liberia?

Monrovia, Liberia – Liberia is in the thick of uncertainty after its Supreme Court ruled in November that a presidential run-off vote cannot proceed until a complaint of fraud and irregularities in the first round has been investigated. Hearings began at the Supreme Court on Friday and a ruling is expected Thursday. The vote, which had a…


Zimbabwe: What’s going down?

After ruling Zimbabwe for 37 years, Robert Mugabe has submitted his resignation as president in a letter ro parliament. The news marking the end of an era sparked celebrations in the capital, Harare. Soldiers on November 15 took control of the headquarters of the state broadcaster ZBC and blocked access to government offices, but the army…