Étiqueté : flights


EU air visitors control agency warns of flights over Syria

The international air traffic control agency Eurocontrol has warned airlines to exercise caution in the eastern Mediterranean due to the possible launch of air strikes into Syria in the next 72 hours. Eurocontrol said that air-to-ground and/or cruise missiles could be used within that period and there was a possibility of intermittent disruption of radio…


Okinawans question terminate to defense force flights over faculties

Ginowan City, Okinawa – On the morning of December 7, a group of one-year-old students were getting ready to play outside at their nursery school on the Japanese island of Okinawa when the sound of a low-flying helicopter and a loud bang rang out. « Some children let out a cry, » recalls Eriko Miyagi, a childcare worker…


Saudi grants airspace acclaim for flights to Israel

Saudi Arabia has granted for the first time permission for Air India flights headed to Israel to use its airspace, the Israeli daily Haaretz reported. The decision, which will be implemented in March, means that the flights from New Delhi to Tel Aviv would be shortened by two and a half hours. The new route,…


Tunisia suspends Emirates Airlines flights

Tunisia’s transport ministry has announced the suspension of all Emirates Airlines flights to and from the North African country. The move on Sunday came two days after Tunisian women were denied boarding their flights to Dubai on the United Arab Emirates-based carrier. The transport ministry said in a statement on its Facebook page that it « has decided to suspend…