Étiqueté : fight


Russia’s elections: ‘Unheard of fight for turnout’

On March 18, Russians will head to the polls to vote in the seventh presidential election since the collapse of the Soviet Union in December 1991. Eight candidates are running in the race, including the incumbent president, Vladimir Putin, who seems poised to win his fourth term in the Kremlin. While the Russian president is…


‘Syrian forces to attend YPG’ in fight in opposition to Turkey

The Kurdish YPG fighters claim they have reached a deal to allow Syrian government troops to enter Afrin in the northwestern part of the border town. Nuri Mahmoud, a spokesman for the People’s Protection Units (YPG), told Al Jazeera on Monday that they are calling on the Syrian government forces « to preserve a united Syria »,…


Tillerson urges coalition unity in fight in opposition to ISIL

The fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS) group is far from over, the US secretary of state has said, urging unity among Arab countries in the Gulf for the sake of regional stability. Rex Tillerson says the rift between Qatar and its former allies in the…


In Kashmir, a father’s fight in opposition to forgetfulness

Srinagar, Indian-administered Kashmir – Mohammad Ashraf Mattoo was at home when a crowd of people rushed to him with the news that changed his life forever. His only son was killed. It has been seven years since Mattoo’s life seemingly came to a standstill. He stopped going to work and his hair quickly turned all…


Alaska Natives: Our combat to live to articulate the tale

Alaska is usually in the news for one of two reasons: its oil industry or climate change, or sometimes both. While the effects of climate change – permafrost melting and villages along the coastline eroding away – are real, for Alaska, whose economy has thrived on oil for the past 50 years, simply stopping the drilling…