Étiqueté : élections


Mexico elections: Why are they crucial?

The official campaign season for the Mexican presidency kicks off on Friday, with four candidates vying to win the position.  For the next 90 days, presidential candidates Margarita Zavala,  Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, Ricardo Anaya, and Jose Antonio Meade will do their best to win the hearts and minds of approximately 88 million registered Mexicans.  Here is…


Egypt’s elections come to a discontinuance with Sisi position to recall

Cairo, Egypt – Polls closed after a three-day presidential election that incumbent Abdel Fattah el-Sisi is set to easily win, but questions remained whether enough voters showed up to lend it legitimacy. Polling stations remained quiet throughout Wednesday with only a few people trickling in to periodically cast their ballots.  A prosecutor who oversaw one station…


Will Saif al-Islam Gaddafi bustle in Libyan elections?

Saif al-Islam Gaddafi plans to run in Libya’s presidential elections expected for later this year, according to a spokesman for the son of ex-Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. The announcement by Ayman Boras was made on Monday during in a press conference in Tunisia, during which the spokesman outlined Saif al-Islam’s vision of « restoring the Libyan state, making it…


The US legacy in Iraq: violence, sectarianism – and elections

Erbil, Iraq – After 15 years of violence, insecurity and sectarianism following the US invasion of Iraq, finding cause for optimism can be a fool’s errand for Iraqi leaders. This week marks the 15-year anniversary of the start of the US invasion of Iraq, ostensibly to free Iraqis from tyranny and oppression. What came next…


Interpreting the Catalan elections

The challenge of assessing the outcome of yesterday’s regional elections in Catalonia is that several actors in this crisis can claim different forms of victory – and are doing so – from different frames (majority in terms of seats neglecting share of votes, etc.). This, uncertainty and a strong component of post-truth politics in the…


Palestinian factions agree on elections in 2018

Palestinian factions led by Fatah and Hamas have agreed to hold general elections no later than at the end of 2018, as part of the latest round of reconciliation talks held in Cairo. In a statement released after the conclusion of the talks on Wednesday, representatives of the factions urged the Central Election Commission to…