Étiqueté : election

Colombia presidential election: What to wait for 0

Colombia presidential election: What to wait for

One would think that Colombians would be excited about the prospect of going to the polls to elect their first post-war president in nearly half a century. The problem is that while the 2016 peace accord between the government and FARC rebels may have won outgoing President Juan Manuel Santos the Nobel Peace Prize, the…

File: Trump Jr. met Gulf states envoy offering election serve 0

File: Trump Jr. met Gulf states envoy offering election serve

Donald Trump Jr. met in August 2016 with an envoy representing the crown princes of United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, who sought to help his father’s presidential campaign, the New York Times reported. During the Trump Tower meeting, the envoy, Lebanese-American businessman George Nader, told Trump Jr., that the crown princes of Saudi Arabia…

Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr leading in Iraq’s election 0

Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr leading in Iraq’s election

With over half the votes counted, powerful Shia leader Muqtada al-Sadr has emerged as the leading contender in Iraq’s parliamentary elections, a remarkable comeback after being sidelined for years by Iranian-backed rivals. While final results for Iraq’s parliamentary election are expected later on Monday, early results show Iran-backed paramilitary commander Hadi al-Amiri’s bloc to be…

Malaysia’s opposition pulls off pretty election receive 0

Malaysia’s opposition pulls off pretty election receive

An opposition alliance led by Malaysia’s former ruler Mahathir Mohamad has won a majority in parliament – a shock victory that ends the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition’s 60-year grip on power.  The Election Commission said on Thursday the opposition has so far won 112 seats and the BN has 76 in the 222-seat parliament. The…

Malaysia election: All it be well-known to know 0

Malaysia election: All it be well-known to know

Malaysians will head to the polls on Wednesday to vote in the country’s 14th general election. The vote pits a nonagenarian out of political retirement against a former protégé. If this was a film, the story line would have been dismissed as far-fetched. But this is politics in Malaysia. The upcoming election has had voters,…

Hezbollah, Amal and allies claim Lebanon election sweep 0

Hezbollah, Amal and allies claim Lebanon election sweep

Hezbollah and its political allies are the biggest winners in Lebanon’s first general election in nine years, an analysis of the preliminary results show. Hezbollah and Amal – dubbed the « Shia duo » by local news media – are predicted to have won 29 seats in Lebanon’s 128-seat parliament during Sunday’s vote, according to unofficial tallies…

Pakistan Within Minister Ahsan Iqbal shot at election rally 0

Pakistan Within Minister Ahsan Iqbal shot at election rally

Islamabad, Pakistan – Pakistani Interior Minister Ahsan Iqbal has been wounded by an unidentified attacker at an election rally in central Punjab province, according to officials. Iqbal, 59, was shot in the shoulder on Sunday after addressing the crowd gathered in his native Narowal district, Federal Minister Talal Chaudhry told local TV station Geo News.…

Lethal assault hits Libya’s election headquarters 0

Lethal assault hits Libya’s election headquarters

At least eleven people have been reported dead after armed men, including two suicide bombers, attacked Libya’s electoral commission headquarters. The attack on Wednesday in the capital, Tripoli, took place as officials were registering voters before elections expected later this year, news agencies reported. Khaled Omar, the election commission spokesman, told reporters that three election…


Egypt’s 2018 presidential ‘election’: What you would possibly per chance well bear to understand

Experts have already dubbed Egypt’s presidential election this month as a « sham », and predict that President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi will undoubtedly win a second presidential term after eliminating any real political opposition. Widespread condemnation over the decline of the economy and Sisi’s internal policies led many to call for a boycott of this year’s election, which is the…


Italy’s election wants to be a fetch up call for the EU

March 4, 2018, is a date that will go down in European history books. The results of the Italian general elections seem to have marked the absolute victory of nationalist, anti-Europeanist, and anti-establishment parties. Together, they won over 50 percent of the vote. Are we witnessing the definitive end of the European dream? Or is…