Étiqueté : decision

Iran defiant as Trump poised to design nuclear deal resolution 0

Iran defiant as Trump poised to design nuclear deal resolution

US President Donald Trump is poised to announce on Tuesday his decision whether to withdraw or stay in the Iran nuclear deal, as Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said that Tehran « will overcome » any « problems » it could face in the coming months.  In a social media post late on Monday, Trump said he will make an…


Palestinian Christian leaders denounce Trump’s resolution

Palestinian Christian leaders have rejected US President Donald Trump’s decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, calling it « dangerous » and « insulting ». Trump’s December 6 announcement has sparked protests across the Muslim world and drawn international condemnation. The US move is offensive to « Christians and Muslims around the world who consider Jerusalem as an incubator of…


US vetoes resolution on Trump’s Jerusalem resolution

The United States has vetoed a UN Security Council draft resolution rejecting the recent recognition by US President Donald Trump of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, and his plans to move the American embassy to the city.  The US veto on Monday was widely expected.  « What is troublesome to some people […] is that the United…


Muslim leaders reject Trump’s resolution on Jerusalem

The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has rejected the United States’ decision to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, the group’s secretary general announced.  Yousef al-Othaimeen, speaking on Wednesday at the opening of an OIC summit in Istanbul, urged Muslim leaders to work together to present a united response to the move. « The OIC rejects…


UN convenes emergency meeting on US’ Jerusalem resolution

During an emergency meeting, UN Security Council members widely condemned Donald Trump’s decision to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, a move that has led to deadly clashes across the occupied Palestinian territories.  Eight countries called for the emergency meeting at the UN headquarters in New York on Friday, as Palestinians protested across the occupied…


Hamas chief: US Jerusalem resolution is battle declaration

Hamas leader Ismail Haniya has said the US decision on recognising Jerusalem as the capital of Israel is a « war declaration against Palestinians », and called for a new « Intifada », or uprising. Haniya said in a speech in Gaza City on Thursday that US President Donald Trump’s recognition « killed » the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. « This decision has…


Mahmoud Abbas lambasts Trump’s resolution on Jerusalem

Mahmoud Abbas has lambasted the US decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, saying the Palestinian leadership refuses to acknowledge President Donald Trump’s contentious move. Calling Jerusalem the « eternal capital of the State of Palestine », the president of the Palestinian Authority said on Wednesday the US could no longer be a mediator in Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations.…


Palestinians warn against Trump Jerusalem resolution

The Palestinian president’s office and senior officials have warned of the potential destructive effects of any move denying their claim to occupied East Jerusalem as the capital of their future state. The warnings comes as US President Donald Trump is due to decide as early as the next week whether to move the US embassy…