Étiqueté : criticism

Al Jazeera defends cricket match-fixing film after ICC criticism 0

Al Jazeera defends cricket match-fixing film after ICC criticism

Al Jazeera has hit back at criticism from world cricket’s governing body, the ICC, for not sharing evidence of match-fixing before broadcasting a documentary that has made headlines around the world. Alex Marshall, the head of the International Cricket Council’s anti-corruption unit, complained that Al Jazeera’s refusal to hand over  all « unedited and unseen evidence »…


Is Jordan paying the worth for Jerusalem criticism?

Arab states have put pressure on Jordan to accept the United States’ recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and a heavily stripped-down version of the Palestinian state, Jordanian politicians and analysts say. Member of Parliament Wafa Bani Mustafa told Al Jazeera the two main antagonists are the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, where…


Pope Francis utters the be conscious ‘Rohingya’ after criticism

Pope Francis has uttered the word « Rohingya » on a trip to Bangladesh, where hundreds of thousands of Rohingya refugees from Myanmar have sought safety. Critics had decried his avoidance of speaking about the months-long persecution of the Rohingya during his four-day visit to Myanmar. But as he met a multi-faith group in Dhaka on Friday, at St Mary’s…