Étiqueté : confrontation


Syria’s war: France rules out ‘war of words’ with Russia

France’s defence minister has ruled out « confrontation » and « escalation » following its joint military operation with the US and UK that attacked « targets associated with the chemical weapons capabilities » in Syria. 
The strikes early on Saturday came in response to a suspected chemical weapons attack in the former rebel stronghold of Douma last weekend. Minister of the Armed…


Turkey to US: Cease YPG pork up or face ‘confrontation’

A Turkish official said anyone supporting the YPG militia will become « a target », a warning likely to rile the United States as its forces work alongside the Kurdish armed group on the ground in northern Syria. Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdag’s comments on Thursday came after Turkey threatened to attack the town of Manbij as part of its cross-border…


Concerns over US-Turkey armed forces confrontation in Syria

A US-backed Kurdish militia has deployed fighters to the frontline of Syria’s Manbij to battle Turkey’s military after President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said it would be next after launching the cross-border Afrin operation. Manbij is about 100km east of Afrin where the United States has military personnel deployed in the fight against Islamic State of…