Étiqueté : class


Trickle down elitism does no longer relief the working class

On my first day of college, the official who interviewed me for admission sat me down on the steps of the student centre, a newly renovated building surrounded by lush landscaping and stately ivy-covered buildings. She said to me: « People will make you feel like you don’t belong here, but you need to remember that…


The mini break and class battle

The stock market crash that began in the United States on February 2, Groundhog Day – moved in a wave around the world, and continued, down, up, down, into the following week – was all about class war – the kind once described by Warren Buffett, in which the rich are fighting against the rest…


Right here be monsters: Trump’s « white working class »

For those of the centre-left around the world, the election of Donald Trump was the inauguration of a political dark age. The besuited directors of a more humane, liberalised and inclusive capitalism – a Democratic Party type of capitalism – were being usurped in favour of the rabid irrationality and apocalyptic bluster of the far right. A…